Friday, 20 January 2012

Freud and Heidegger: Time, impulse, and the Dragon Of Being

We speak of killing time as we were able to slay it through mere whimsy, yet it is, of course, time that eventually kills us. Time is the existential dragon, whose fiery breath smelts and solidifies our Being, according to Martin Heidegger, & and I am inclined to agree with this. Time is – as it were – the crucible of human matrices of contingent identity. But time cannot be described as entirely autopoietic independent of perception.. I think this means then, that since our perception of time is brought about most keenly by the erotic drive, time and Eros (these for human beings at least), and to serve similar if not the same ontological function(s). Yet in thinking about time in this sense we do kill it, since we reify it and arrested motion, however briefly. But if taken to extreme, this constitutes the ultimate manifestation of the death drive: for it is called creation with not being itself. So in order to connect Sigmund Freud & Martin Heidegger I would have to suggest that we participate in a dialectic, whereby we killed time and time kills us; we create time, & constitutes us. This lack of synthesis in the dialectic; for I can never achieve resolution is our predicament. But if we create time, in this sense, it has to follow that our being is autopoietic as well. Every human being, is therefore, a multi-verse of potentiality and millennia unto herself