Airing Some Moral Cum-Socks:
Disability, Race, and Queer Men’s Hookup Culture
I present this
dialogue largely as it was (any additions I did make to the conversation were
made from innumerable exchanges like this one), even though, to say the least, it
does not present me in the best light.
I want it to serve
four functions. First, it is a fascinating scenario, which shows how the
dynamics of power and privilege in late modern society are always fluid and
never truly vertical. As my exchange with this unfortunate young man shows,
subjects are always already the products of power and are constantly
negotiating their position in relation to other subjects, within complex
matrices of subjugation and resistance. Second, I desire it to serve as an
apology, in both the classical (hence the dialogue form) and colloquial
meanings. Persons often wonder, and, I confess, I often wonder myself, why my
self-esteem and mood are disproportionately low, despite my relative privilege
and many accomplishments. This dialogue is, however partial, an answer to that
question. Third, I record this dialogue with the hope that the many complex and
ugly power relations it contains may dissipate, by having the light of truth
shed on them. This dialogue represents, as it were, merely one “cum-sock” in
the basketful of dirty laundry that queer communities hide from the prying gaze
of the world and each other. Fourth, for better or worse, it emphasizes and
reaffirms my considerable capacity for both oppression of others — and
resistance against them — as I navigate my at times subaltern and at times
extremely privileged position within the neoliberal capitalist system.
Asian Man on tinder: do you mind me asking why are you in a
Me: I don’t mind giving you the clinical answer to that —
that I have cerebral palsy caused by an underdeveloped blood vessel in my motor
cortex which impaired muscle coordination and other functions. Yet that won’t
really satisfy you. What you really want me to do is solve the problem of human
suffering. I do not have the talent, desire, or time to do that. Disability is
part of human biodiversity; and it would be like asking you why you are Asian.
Asian Man: oh… I’m sorry to hear that.
Me: So you didn’t understand what I just wrote? Why are you
sorry? We all have different privileges and abilities. I benefit from more
social capital because I am white, and I have greater education and financial
resources. If you really felt bad for persons with disabilities, you would help
them. Yet, like most persons, you are caught in this pseudo-emotional
masturbatory dynamic, whereby the performance of my suffering “gets you off” and
excuses you from having to do anything tangible to alleviate social injustices.
Asian Man: no, actually, we live in Canada: prejudice barely
exists. You ought to enlighten your self, and not divide human beings based on
race or gender.
Me: what the fuck are you talking about? I routinely do
anti-oppression workshops. I have spent my career trying to create a more
egalitarian Canada for everyone, and I’m essentially doing a PhD in sociology.
I don’t need to be enlightened about postmodern identity deconstruction, though
I would point out that your use of the word “enlightenment” in the context of
this conversation is really funny. Prejudice still exists in Canada. In fact,
this very conversation is an example of it. And in any case, upon what basis
are you making this conclusion: do you have a graduate degree? Like me, have
you spent several years reviewing and creating social science research? Have
you been published and/or presented on the topic as I have?
Asian Man, no… I mean that’s different. Disability is
different from race and being gay. I’m just sorry for the challenges you have
to go through.
Me: Then, for goodness sake, do something practical about
them. Abstract sympathy helps no one. If you’re trying to suggest that
disability is based on “natural phenomena,” whereas race is predicated upon —
now thought unjustifiable — cultural differences and social inequality, you
must answer the question why , not so long ago, the brightest minds in the
world understood “homosexuality” as both a psychological and physical illness:
some even thought it was brought about by “genetic degeneracy;” and why some of
those same scientists also thought that persons of “Mongoloid stock” (that is,
those racialized as Asian) were genetically inferior, justifying both the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the
internment of Japanese Canadians during World War II, not to mention (sexual)
stereotypes concerning “rice queens” that (lamentably) persist in gay discourse
to the present. Furthermore, even if one could allegedly justify a scientific
difference between race and disability — which is doubtful at best — from the
perspective of normative ethics, the classification is morally irrelevant.
Spare me sympathy; I don’t want or need it. What
I do need, is better social support; this comes from more awareness and less
ignorance among members of the public. And what I do want, like most persons on
here, is for someone to blow me. Unless
you are willing to do that while not saying anything stupid, and, from this
conversation, that seems like it may be hard for you, I suggest you jump up
your own ass and die. Have a pleasant day! :-)
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